Saturday, 22 June 2013

Review: World War Z

Zombie films these days are having a hard time trying to find new ways of presenting the un-dead. We have had classics like Shaun Of The Dead, 28 Days Later, Dawn Of The Dead, I Am Legend and many more.

One thing I have found fascinating is that Zombies are either shown as slow-walking and pretty easy to get away or extremely fast and eager to bite anything that moves.

With World War Z, it is the fast moving kind. The biggest positives were definitely the CGI sequences of the swarms of zombies just making sure that everyone is converted. But sadly, we have already seen these in the trailers, so there is nothing new to be amazed at sadly.
The scope of this film is bigger then any other zombie film we've had. The film goes to many places around the world, some expected, some very surprising. I won't say the surprise locations as they are not in the trailer, and therefore you can enjoy the surprise.
The only real star of the show was Brad Pitt, and thankfully he does enough to be liked on screen. It wasn't anything spectacular compared to his other roles, but he plays a good enough hero for you to enjoy.

As for the disappointing parts of the film, one bit that I was saddened to see was the lack of gore. Despite it being given a 15 certificate, there is not a lot of gore to shout about compared to the movies I mentioned earlier in my review. One thing me and few of the other people watching with me had a few laughing moments. I did not expect to, and I reckon you will too when you watch it and I know exactly when you will. You may think, why is laughter a negative in this film. Well, that is because it was unintentional and I don't think that it is what the director wanted from his picture.

Overall, I thought it was OK but far too boring for something with a title world war in it. It brings nothing new to the zombie genre table. I felt that it wasn't sure what type of film it wanted to be. The start is promising and you are now expected to watch an action epic that will never give you a chance to breathe. Then it suddenly slows down and gets a bit boring, and it gets back some momentum going into a tense final third. I was happy with the ending, but I think some people will find it disappointing.

Rating: 6/10

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