Monday, 29 July 2013

Requested Nostalgic Review: Source Code

When seeing the trailer for this, I instantly thought that would be another uneventful sci-fi thriller as peoples ideas for films in these genres are decreasing each year.

You do however, get some that are just so fresh and surprise you. But I was confident this would not be one of them. Boy was I wrong!

The trailer gave nothing away and when I eventually got round to seeing it, it was so nice seeing another idea being presented to the world. One big thing I liked it was the amount of detail involved. It was one of those that if you said even the smallest of plot detail, it would reveal a twist or two. The pacing is good, it sucks you in from the very start and most importantly, it keeps you wanting more.

Script is solid and everyone's performances contribute to the film in every way. Jake Gyllenhaal and Michelle Monaghan hold this film incredibly well by themselves which is a tough skill to acquire.

It is quite hard to review this film, as revealing any info would ruin your own experience. So I will quickly end this by saying, it's a must watch. It's originality is its biggest positive and thankfully it is presented well for everyone to understand, enjoy and it is one of those that you can watch again and again. It's a shame that it has not been promoted as well as it should have been. But that could be a good thing, as it feels like a secret gem that people can find on their own during a movie hunt.

Rating: 8/10

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