Sunday, 30 November 2014

Review: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1

One of the highest grossing franchises of all-time returns. After a hugely successful sequel with Catching Fire, we are now back in the world of Panem and the adventures of Katniss Everdeen continues.

I think it is safe to say that the Hunger Games themselves are now over and we are now beginning the war with the rebels and the capital.

After hearing that the final book is disappointing, I had my doubts that the film may also be unable to match my expectations.
However, I felt that the first part of Mockingjay had succeeded in many areas.

One big positive for me was that I was able to enjoy my viewing experience even without an actual Hunger Games. With a film mainly involving build-up for the final installment, it got me hooked and interested to the very end.
It is definitely very different to the previous two. From what I saw in part 1, this final part definitely should not have been split in two parts. But for what it was, it got me psyched for part 2.

I can see a lot of people being possibly bored by it as nothing major happens. But what I will say to defend it, is that we get to see the political side of The Hunger Games. The content is highly interesting, there are some great set-pieces and the final act is pretty tense and it ends with a surprising finale.

As with all Hunger Games films, Jennifer Lawrence is made for her role as Katniss Everdeen. Now the face of the rebellion front, Lawrence definitely brings her A-game by bringing out every type of emotion and really makes it feel real.
A lot of scenes kept me on edge thanks to Lawrence's performance and her relationship with all the supporting cast.
Donald Sutherland is back with another chilling performance as President Snow, the late great Phillip Seymour Hoffman gave us another reason to miss him with a memorable performance, Woody Harrelson and Elizabeth Banks gives us some nice light relief as Haymitch and Effie. As for some of the new characters, I found Natalie Dormer to be a solid stand out. After her success on TV with Game Of Thrones, she will definitely get a lot of great chances in the future.
One nice surprise in the film was a cast member from the Mighty Ducks franchise which gave me a huge inspiration for what my life has become. So for fans of those films, except something to be really excited about.

Overall, I felt that even with not a lot to work with, they nailed it for me. With all of its emotional and gripping moments, it made me remember me how enjoyable this franchise is. It may be lacking in action, but it adds in its character drama which managed to win me over. It even got me having goosebumps for one scene which is high praise from me.
I found it hard to pick apart major negatives. It is definitely a slow burner, but it sets you up beautifully. I think once I see part 2, it will definitely look better as one film rather than two parts.
This is definitely one of the most intense franchises around. For those people complaining about it, then I suggest watching this and part 2 back-to-back next November and you will agree that it is a great companion piece.

Rating: 7/10

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