Sunday, 8 February 2015

My Top 10: Films Of The Decade (So Far)

The best films of a decade really portray the type of decade it has been, not just for film.
Every decade is hard to follow-on from the next, but I think so far it has been an amazing one. So far, six films have managed to affect my top 100 films of all-time, which include three from 2010.
Certainly 2010 for me has been the most successful year in film within this decade. At one point during the summer, my number one and three films were both out in the cinemas. That was definitely the highest point to be a film fan.
My favorite films of 2011 certainly were a homage to films themselves, but in there own special way. I was glad to see both of these films not only end up in my top 10, but be leading films to win Best Picture at the Oscars.
2012 saw my film of the year get totally over-looked and the Best Picture Oscar winner 'Argo' ended up being nowhere my top 10 of that year. 2013 saw a lot of my favorite films be in contention for awards glory which was nice to see.
Despite 2014 not managing to get any film in the top 10, the depth of enjoyable films was certainly better then any of the other years, especially with the summer blockbusters.

Any film being made in the next five year that ends up changing my current list will also be a possible top 100 film in my all-time list.
For now, here are my top 10 films of the this decade, so far:

10) Tyrannosaur - A misleading title and a tough watch, this is certainly a film that will affect you.
With mesmerising performances from Olivia Coleman and Peter Mullan, this heavily gritty drama about a man plagued by violence finding a friendship with a troubled female charity shop worker is one that I will never forget.

It is wonderfully directed by Paddy Considine and I dare anyone to watch this without feeling uncomfortable.

9) The Artist - Winner of the Best Picture in 2011 and definitely something no-one expected to be released and do well in this day and age.

Director Michel Hazanavicius and the performances by Jean Dujardin and Berenice Bejo made this a wonderful viewing experience that is the perfect tribute to an era of cinema that mainstream audiences should appreciate.

8) Shutter Island - This may not end up being one of Martin Scorsese's classics, but I know there is a lot of love for this thriller with a b-movie tone.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo star as marshals investigating a disappearing murderess on an island for the criminally insane.
For me it re-ignited the thriller genre, has a likely twist and yet he surprises you with one of the most talked about final lines in film history.

7) The King's Speech - Winner of the Best Picture in 2010, this was certainly a high-caliber year for films.

Directed by Tom Hooper. This is a powerful, deeply moving and massively funny drama. Colin Firth gives us his best performance ever as King George VI. There are also great supportive roles by Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter.

6) The Social Network - A film about Facebook? Surely this can't do well?

With director David Fincher at the helm, this ended up being a wonderfully crafted drama that so many people say that they are enjoying more and more every time they see it.

Amazing performances, a perfect script and that vintage Fincher tone makes this one you cannot miss.

5) Hugo - My film of 2011.
I remember not being sure what this was about. After watching it, I could not have been more surprised and blown away by this wonderful tribute to the first generation of film-makers.

With director Martin Scorsese being out of his comfort zone, he was determined to make a film that his daughter could not only see but love.

It is a glorious modern family adventure that discovers where dreams are made.

4) Gravity - My film of 2013. It may not have done as well on the small screen. But I and many others will never forget the cinematic experience this gave many people.

It's unreal use of 3D made you afraid for your own life along with stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney.

When you seen it on DVD, I feel it enhances the performances and story.

3) Toy Story 3 - After many people being nervous about this latest Toy Story feature after such a long gap between the previous sequel, this manages to be almost perfect.
With a great mix of new characters and the toys that have made this franchise, we have a wonderful story with some amazingly clever gags.

It will be interesting to see if they can continue this success with the fourth installment.

2) Cloud Atlas - The heavily intriguing trailer got me excited.
The film itself showed me something completely new, ahead of its time and I believe this will be the new cult classic that steadily grows over time.
Everyone said this was the un-filmable book, but the Wachowski's and Tom Tykwer have made a genre-breaking classic.

I do not think we will see another film like this ever again.

1) Inception - Despite the success of Memento, The Prestige and The Dark Knight, director Christopher Nolan managed to outdo himself with what many will consider his masterpiece.

With its heavily multi-layered plot and one of the most fascinating topics to use as it's theme. It's edgy tone, romping pace and amazing re-watch-ability makes this is one of those perfect movies that everybody should at least experience before they die.

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