Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Review: Deadpool

The first of six superhero films begins with one many hardcore fans have been waiting some time for.

After showing small promise with a minor appearance in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Ryan Reynolds is thankfully reprising his role as 'the merc with the mouth'.
I was glad to see them give a rating that matches the source material. So now everyone is expecting a film that is true to the character.

I was happy to see Ryan Reynolds return, as I thought he was really good in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I actually thought that film was pretty solid compared to what the majority say.

With most films these days, I try and avoid the trailers if I know I am going to see it whatever the trailer was going to show us. But the marketing campaign that I have seen have been very clever and have given us the perfect indicator on what tone this film is going for. Now that I have seen the film, I have now seen all the trailers, and they are all brilliant.

Well, I can definitely say that this is a totally different Marvel film and I have not had so much fun at the cinema since probably Guardians Of The Galaxy.
Even though we have five more superhero films coming out this year, I could be confident in saying that this could the best superhero film of 2016, mainly due to it being different. This has set the bar for the other comic book films with a higher anticipation such as Captain America: Civil War or Batman v Superman.
This has definitely put the pressure on those films that are expecting to make more box office sales.

Right from the incredibly funny opening credits, you can tell where this is going. It's self-aware of everything that it is doing and was not shameful in making fun of themselves. Even the cinematography was pretty clean instead of the shaky-cam that others have done. It managed to get me laughing out loud and fairly regularly. What was great about the comedy is that it felt organic rather than forced like what Avengers: Age Of Ultron did.
The type of comedy may be crude to some people. But I think it could win some of them over as it is not done in a gratuitous way, but with a smile on their face.

From the trailers, you think it's full on comedy with some superhero action. But there is a decent amount of romance that was well handed, you believe in it and you care for it. Yep, there is a lot different to this than any other Marvel or superhero film for that matter.

I have to express my praise towards Ryan Reynolds now. Reynolds pays great homage to the source material and the character. You can really feel his passion for this celebrated superhero. He was put on this Earth to play Deadpool.
The rest of the performances were pretty solid all-round. One who surprised me was Ed Skrein who plays the main villain. I felt he played it well and did not feel wasteful like 99% of the other Marvel villains we have seen. This is definitely an improvement to his performance in Transporter: Refuelled.

I may have not read a single comic book of Deadpool, but I get enough of it from others to understand what we should expect from Deadpool. I definitely felt it in this film and I am hooked for the recently announced sequel.
It may not be compelling or as award winning as something like Citizen Kane or 2001: A Space Odyssey. But for what it is, it is a super-fun time that does not hold back on the rating that it wanted.
Where others felt constructed by studios, this is definitely not feeling hand-cuffed. It felt free to go all out to entertain us in the crudest possibly way.

Tim Miller and his team have done a fantastic job and I honestly think this could make the other highly anticipated comic books films look disappointing. Boy has this got the ball rolling for 2016.
The timing of this release is much needed as we are beginning to have superhero fatigue. This definitely gives us a refreshing look at the genre by changing the tone of it.
It will be interesting to see where they go with this as they have already announced a sequel for this and they make some interesting cross-over references that fans can have theories over for some time.

In the end, I completely loved it. This is definitely going high up in my best Marvel films of all-time, it could easily end up in my top 10 films at the end of the year and I will be quoting many lines and playing songs from the film forever more. It was one of my most anticipated films of 2016, and it showed why.

A couple of additional notes that will help with your viewing experience, there is the usual Stan Lee cameo, and it is a pretty cool one. There is also a post-credits scene that is worth watching and pays great homage to one of the best post-credits scene of all-time and gives it that Deadpool touch.

Rating: 8/10

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