Despite being released in 2013, this film documentary could only be seen at three festivals since its release, as it has never had a distributed release.
The high praise and synopsis made me want to make the most of this rare screening.
Sadly, while it did cover some interesting topics, most of it was something I was already aware of. To be honest, it was content that I think most of society is already aware of.
The high praise and synopsis made me want to make the most of this rare screening.
Sadly, while it did cover some interesting topics, most of it was something I was already aware of. To be honest, it was content that I think most of society is already aware of.
They do expand there initial discussion by asking some well thought out questions. But they were never fully explored, and only touched upon.
There were some recurring characters that had a story to tell and were pretty engaging. On the surface I was willing for it to develop. But it never really did.
For something to be an hour long, you would expect it to get it's point across, hard and thorough. But the only thing that blew me away was the opening and ending image of a child in a wheelchair scuba-diving by themselves. The image of someone in a wheelchair basically swimming in this coral full of various species was quite captivating.
Apart from that, it just felt like a mildly interesting video that would be better suited to being shown to a high school or college class.Rating: 7/10
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