Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Review: Kubrick By Kubrick

I'm not sure what's left to be said about Stanley Kubrick as a director. His legacy has been going for over 60 years now and his dedicated fans continue to unravel his projects and looking for more and more theories into his symbolism style.
One thing that Kubrick was known for, was giving very few interviews. So knowing that this documentary was going to consist of a lot of unearthed chats with the man himself felt like a big selling point.

This was a nicely done documentary I felt. It was really interesting hearing Kubrick's thought, ideas and inspirations for each of his features. Mixing it in with interesting pictures of Kubrick as a child and behind the camera, footage from his films and some cool model shots that mixes in all of his back catalogue made it a much more fully fledged film.

Director Gregory Monro and his team have cut together something that is worth watching for Kubrick fans as it further enhances his legacy. I wouldn't recommend for people who yet to have seen a Kubrick film as brushes past the basic as it goes more in-depth. But when you've fully experienced him, this little icing on the cake will be waiting for you.

Rating: 7/10

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