Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Review: The Justice Of Bunny King

Having a film with Essie Davis with support from Thomasin McKenzie is enough to sign me up to check this out.

These are two of the best female actors out there right now and I feel they could make any story turn into gold.

While the narrative is something we've seen before, it is one of those that when done right can still be an effective watch.

Making it still feel refreshing I felt was Davis' energy and commitment to her role. Portraying that love and determination of a mother doing the best for her kids made her an easy character to root for.

The support of McKenzie was solid when it needed to be and I hope she has gained valuable experience from Davis if how to lead a film.

As mentioned before, it is a story we have seen before. But every aspect still made entertaining, gripping, tense and funny when required.
This has relatable themes that makes this film very accessible and is a satisfying watch.

Rating: 7/10

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