Sunday, 6 November 2022

Review: Incredible But True

While I am usually pretty good with any film style. I can be a bit sniffy with French films. I am not sure why, but there is something that a lot of French films that just don't work for me.

For this film, on paper it does sound like the type of French film might put me off. But it's got enough of that typical French quirkiness to it and never went overboard.

It is a bonkers concept. But I think the grounded look to it made it work and instead we get some interesting ideas that are played around with to great comic effect.

The performances were perfectly fine. The leads played their parts well. But the star of the show was Benoit Magimel. He played the ridiculousness of his role really well and had some effective facial expressions that felt more accustomed to silent cinema.

That nod to silent cinema was extended with a nice little physical comedy sequence towards the end.
There was also drawbacks to that moment as I could tell in the final act that they were starting to run of ideas with the concept as well as development with our characters.
So I was pleased that they made the smart decision of keeping the duration snappy and less than 90 mins.

But on the whole this was a fun watch with a concept that was played around with well. That French flavour worked with its tone and it was easy to accept the ridiculousness of it.
The comedy was solid on the whole. I laughed a healthy amount of times that were well spread out.

It felt like an attack on plastic surgery and showing the side effects in a fairytale type of way. It could also be seen as our obsession for gadgets.
Either way, I think this could work with a lot of people.

Rating: 7/10

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