Sunday 18 June 2017

My Top 10: Movie Fathers

Parents in movies can be some of the strongest characters of all-time. I have already done one for the mothers, and now it's time for the fathers to have their moment.

Like the mothers list, this is ranked on their parenting with their respective movies. So there are no bad fathers in this list, such as Thanos (Guardians Of The Galaxy), Jack Torrance (The Shining), Dr. Evil (Austin Powers), Vernon Dursley (Harry Potter franchise), Mr. Wormwood (Matilda) and many others.

There are plenty of movie fathers that I had to miss off this list. So here are my honorable mentions:
Bryan Mills (Taken), Fletcher Reede (Liar Liar), George Banks (Mary Poppins), Rocky Balboa (Rocky Balboa), Dad (Boyhood), Roy (Midnight Special), Pops Racer (Speed Racer), Captain Steve Hiller (Independence Day), President Thomas J. Whitmore (Independence Day), Maximus Decimus Meridius (Gladiator), Father (Swiss Family Robinson), Tom Baker (Cheaper By The Dozen), Vito Corleone (The Godfather), Daniel Planview (There Will Be Blood), Darth Vader (Star Wars: Episode VI - The Return Of The Jedi), Martin Brody (Jaws), Jack Byrnes (Meet The Parents), Gru (Despicable Me), Ted Kramer (Kramer vs. Kramer), Wayne Zalinski (Honey, I Shrunk The Kids!), Peter Panning (Hook), Howard Langston (Jingle All The Way) Jor-El (Superman) and Logan (Logan).

Some that came pretty close to making my top 10 list were: John Matrix (Commando), Scott Calvin (The Santa Clause), Furious Styles (Boyz N The Hood), Clark Griswold (Vacation) Gil (Parenthood), Marlin (Finding Nemo), Captain Von Trapp (The Sound Of Music), Thomas Alden (Fly Away Home), George Newton (Beethoven), Antonio (Bicycle Thieves), Daniel Hillard (Mrs. Doubtfire), Stanley T. Banks (Father Of The Bride (1950)), George Bailey (It's A Wonderful Life), Moses Pray (Paper Moon), Caractacus Potts (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang) and Ray Kinsella (Field Of Dreams).

As you can see, there are a lot of top movie Dad's there that missed out. So here are my top 10 movie Dads:

10) Big Daddy (Kick-Ass) - A pretty super Dad very well played by Nicolas Cage.
His methods might be unconventional. But his loyalty to his daughter is clear to see throughout the film. They become a pretty memorable duo, and he always makes sure her daughter is well protected to the very end.

Definitely a Dad you want to hang out with.

9) Robert Parr/Mr. Incredible (The Incredibles) - Speaking of super Dad's, here is the best of the lot.

While some of the film shows how selfish he is about getting back to his days as a superhero. His love and affection he has for his family does not get ignored.
8) Jim's Dad/Mr. Levenstein (American Pie) - This role from the 1999 comedy hit made the actor Eugene Levy into a superstar.

While his son Jim is learning about sex and trying to lose his virginity, his Dad plays it super cool whenever he catches his son in an awkward situation.

It is touching and their relationship is one of the films strongest aspects.

7) Henry Jones Snr. (Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade) - Brilliant played by Sean Connery, this third chapter in the Indiana Jones franchise has become many peoples favourite, and that is largely due to the relationship between Connery and Harrison Ford's character.

While the film begins showing the hands-off approach to parenting, the film slowly brings them together in a really fun way.

6) Joseph Cooper (Interstellar) - A pretty recent entry from Christopher Nolan's 2014 sci-fi epic.

It sees Matthew McConaughey play a father having to leave his family to save the human race.

By the end of it, we see how important his love for his family has on completing his mission.

5) Chris Gardner (The Pursuit Of Happyness) - When the characters top priority is to be a good father to his son, that is a good enough reason to put Will Smith's portrayal of Chris Gardner into this position.

With Smith's real son Jaden playing the role of Gardner's son, that elevates their scenes together even more. What we get is really touching and emotional drama that ends up being quite life-changing for our main characters.

4) Mufasa (The Lion King) - While he was great at being King, Mufasa was even better as a Dad.

This 1994 Disney animated classic shows such memorable parenting by a character whose lasting effect made his son Simba a much more strong-willed character then we see at the start of the film.

3) Atticus Finch (To Kill A Mockingbird) - It's 1960's America, and we see a lawyer trying to defend a black man who has been wrongfully accused of rape.

Whilst trying to prove his innocence, Atticus Finch is also teaching his kids about equality and prejudice. It's an important film that lead a father teaching his family the right way to live.

2) Man (The Road) - We never really know Viggo Mortensen's character name, he is simply known as 'man' in the credits.

What we do know, is that he will stop at nothing to make sure his son is safe and healthy. Even if it means getting through a post-apocalyptic world where roaming gangs of survivors threaten their very lives.

1) Guido Orefice (Life Is Beautiful) - It is quite a tough sell to somehow make a holocaust film seem uplifting and highly amusing.

Director Roberto Begnini has managed to do that as the main character, a father who protects his son from the dangers of the camp by using humor and imagination.
It's very clever, very sweet and is pure joy seeing him and his son together.

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