Thursday, 12 May 2016

Nostalgic Review: X-Men 2

With superhero films now becoming the norm, the sequels are beginning to be released.

After what was a pretty good beginning to this franchise, director Bryan Singer returns and gives us his vision and where he is taking these characters.

Right from the brilliant opening scene you can already tell that this is going to be something special.

I can only imagine how hard it is for film-makers of this particular genre of stuff in there that can please bot hardcore fans of the source material and casual fans. This one does it so well that even when re-watching this, I managed to find some nice easter eggs that will please the passionate fan-base.

They have definitely improved on the general production and look of it. The action scenes are much more impressive and exciting and there is a steady amount throughout. Even the final act paid off and gave this film a well-rounded story that can make this stand on its own.

Hugh Jackman is back and more bad-ass then he has ever been as Wolverine. We get to know more about Famke Janssen's character in this one. She has a much more interesting story-line and the execution is done really well.
Brian Cox really shined as the main villain. He felt a real threat throughout and is probably one of the best villainous performance from any Marvel film.
Sir Ian McKellan plays Magneto so well as usual, and remains a haunting screen-presence. As ever assisted by Mystique played Rebecca Romijn, she seems to have given more screen time, and it is great to watch every time.
Alan Cummings was a great addition as Nightcrawler and all the other returning characters still deliver.

While the movie does what everyone expects a superhero film to be, give us entertainment, show our favourite comic book characters on screen. However, the story has a real depth to it and is much more interesting then its predecessor. We get introduced to more mutants and they make great use of their powers during the action scenes. Despite the high amount of characters it knows when to conecntrate on its main ones and develop them into the story well.

At that moment in time, this was considered the best superhero movie since probably Batman returns in 1992. I still rank it as one of the best films based from Marvel comics and the second best X-Men film. Not many people say that, which is such a shame. I hope people re-visit this hugely entertaining sequel to see how good it truly is.

Rating: 8/10

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