Friday, 13 May 2016

Nostalgic Review: X-Men: The Last Stand

With the X-Men franchise getting better and better, the hype for the third installment was quite big at the time. So much so, that this was one of my few visits to the cinema at this point in my life.

Sadly, Bryan Singer was not directing this one as he was busy doing Superman Returns. Instead, we get Brett Ratner who was most well known for doing the Rush Hour films. After the brilliant X-Men 2, everything was building up nicely to an all-mighty finale.

I have to say that it is massively inferior to the first installments and my main reaction was disappointment. It is definitely not terrible. Pretty much all of it is perfectly fine. But the good stuff just is not as strong as the content we got from Singer's.

To be fair, this third part of the franchise does go down ballsy paths which I was pleasantly surprised to see. The execution of some of them was a big highlight, the others not as well done.
I think the main problem with this, is undeveloped characters and the dialogue not being that interesting. Also with a lot of ground to cover, the duration does not seem to be long enough and a lot of scenes end up looking rushed.

However, there are some good moments that I remember loving when I saw it at the cinema. There are moments that made me gasp, smile and be on the edge of my seat. Ratner and his team does cover the right things that should be in an X-Men film. But I just did not feel the passion compared to Singer.

While it is hugely disappointing. It does have its few good moments and you can have some fun with this for the most part. Sadly, the good stuff does not seem to draw you in a way the first two did and I cannot ignore the problems that it has. The whole story just not seem to be executed well. They seemed to kill off the wrong characters and not develop the new ones that well. But like I said, there are some good moments that are worth watching. But if I had sum up this film in one word, it would be, let-down.

There is also a random post-credits scene that in my opinion was badly explained and just seemed like their way of escaping their main ballsy twist. I think pretty much everyone discovered this scene when buying it on DVD as this was the first post-credits scene in any superhero film. Yes, even before Iron Man.

Rating: 7/10

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