Thursday, 8 November 2018

Review: The Night Comes For Us

This has been on my radar for a few years now. So I was glad to see it finally get completed.
I was a bit gutted this never got a theatrical release. But that's the way with some films these days.

If you aren't aware, then Indonesian action films have been making an unreal impact within the genre this decade. The big breakthrough was Gareth Evans' The Raid back in 2011. It gave us a whole way of making the goriest of fight scenes look so stylish, entertaining and expertly choreographed. After that, they keep managing to better itself. After that came, the brilliant The Raid 2 which Evans came back to do. A couple of years, we then had Headshot.
Now this year, we have the writer and one of the Headshot directors Timo Tjahjanto return with the poster boy of all these films Iko Ukwais be in the cast.

I think like with Headshot, the story is like one we've seen in many action films. But you know, you've come here to see what fight scenes they created for us this time.

If you've seen all of the films I've mentioned, then like me you're probably thinking "How can they keep getting better?" But trust me, once you see this, they most certainly can.

The film is 2hrs and I already feel worn out after 40 mins. But it manages to give you enough down-time to prepare for the next series of frenetically shot set-pieces with the most imaginative ways of killing off various disposable characters.

I was pleased to see the introduction of Julie Estelle, who like Jesus is a regular in these films. Estelle never fails and gives us many memorable sequences.

The whole cast pull their weight and all did a great job. No major stand-outs except I have to credit Joe Taslim who did well stepping into the main antagonist chair.

While the unoriginal story and straight forward charachter development marks it down from being on the level of The Raid 2, this is still an absolute blast.
The action is pretty much why we're seeing this and it does anything but disappoint. It's relentless, brutal whilst also being graceful in its movement in the fighting and the camerawork.
This is another high-quality addition to these Indonesian action films that I hope one day eventually become a mainstream event.

Rating: 8/10

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