Monday, 5 November 2018

Review: The Other Side Of Everything

My first documentary of the Leeds International Film Festival, and it covers a certain bit of history that I know very little about, War torn Serbia in the 1990's.

I know that part of the world had tough time during that particular decade and that for many people, it hasn't ended for them.

So I went in hoping to at least get an idea of those conflicts and feel the people's struggles during that time. I did get that up to a point.

The first half introduced us to the people fairly well, and gave us a nice little feel of life in Serbia and Yugoslavia.
But it wasn't until the second half where I started to feel the struggles as they showed numerous clips of huge gatherings and riots that quite astonishing to watch.

But I don't feel the film did enough for me to truly feel the trials and tribulations. For a film documentary that's about 100 mins long, it felt rather slow for me. It almost felt as if they were stuck for content to fill the time. I can't believe that that would be the case, as there has to be a lot of rich content to show on screen.

I think maybe the style just didn't get me heavily invested into the story.

That being said, I felt there was enough there for me to picture their lives at the time. I could feel the strength in our main character and the chemistry she had with her daughter who was also the director was rather sweet.
If there was more impactful and controversial content, then I would probably be giving it high praises.
But at least it showed me enough to want to know about this time in history.

Rating: 7/10

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